Category: About Srilanka

The beautiful garden of southeast Asia – Yala National Park

The Ruhunu National Park (Yala National Park) is one of the most beautiful parks in Sri Lanka. It is one of the most beautiful parks in Sri Lanka. It is surrounded by steep sea views, beautiful gems and Kumbukkan Oya. The five-storied Yala sanctuary is 126786 hectares. Sri Lanka is one of the oldest national parks. Yala National Park This […]

visiting Sri Lanka

What are the reasons for visiting Sri Lanka?

In the modern world, it is obvious that the resort industry has a direct impact on the world economy. This is a common thing in visiting Sri Lanka. It is no secret that tourists from Sri Lanka has increased in recent times. Therefore, it affects the country’s economy directly and indirectly. What are the reasons for Visiting Sri Lanka? To […]

Solosmasthana : Jaya Sri Maha bodhiya

Eight of the World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka

Just ask someone to ask a question: What is the similarity between the Dambulla cave temple, the Great Pyramid of Giza and the great barrier in Australia? When asked this, many people think that they are preparing to make a bad joke. Because most of us think that a cave temple in our country can not be compared with the […]

Sri Pada

Pilgrimage to Sri Pada

Unduwap ​​is one of the few reasons why Sri Lankans-especially for Buddhist important. One of the most important issues of the pilgrimage to Sri Sanghamitta Thera is the arrival of the Sri Maha Bodhi tree and the sri pada pilgrimage season. The worship of Sri Pada is on one hand not only by the Buddhist people but by other religions […]

Kingdom of Kandy

Kingdom of Kandy (World Heritage City)

According to historical documents, Kandy was first built by King Wickramabahu (1357-1374). He built this place in the Watapuluwa area north of the present town. It is called ‘Senkadagalapura’. There is no specific reason to be named for Senkadagapura, and historians say this may have been named after the name “Senkandand”, which used to live in a cave near the […]

Destinations in Sri Lanka

Historic Tourist Destinations in Sri Lanka

We all have read that Sri Lanka was a hub in the Indian Ocean, a place unparalleled for both foreign and domestic tourists. We have all readily understood that there are many beautiful places to visit in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Sri Lanka. Trying to review the article. Western Province […]